Hello everyone!

This is the time where you can watch and choose a winner for the CALC-OKE Competition. Please watch all the videos in this post and vote for your favourite. You can vote by indicating 
'I vote Nomination (Number)' in the comment section. 

We hope you will enjoy watching all these videos and don't forget to VOTE!!! 

Nomination 1:

Nomination 2:

Nomination 3:

Nomination 4:

Nomination 5:

Nomination 6:

Nomination 7:
Please click this link:

Nomination 8:
Please click this link:

Nomination 9:
Please click this link:

Nomination 10:
Please click this link:

Nomination 11:
Please click this link:

Nomination 12:

Nomination 13: 
Please click this link:

Nomination 14: 

Nomination 15: 

Nomination 16: 

What is Lax2005 (Karaoke in English)?

Lax2005 (Karaoke in English) is a 6-point LAX where students meet weekly for six weeks. Each meeting lasts for two hours. Students will have to sing English songs and produce video recordings of their reflections on the songs.  Each group will upload their best singing session for the "CALC-OKE"  Competition at the end of the sixth week.
In groups of four to five students:

ü  participate in weekly karaoke activity which involves singing and discussing in English
ü  produce a WEEKLY three-minute recording of the group’s discussions on the songs; each person must express his/her views.

Evaluation is based on :

  •   80% attendance
  •  Participation
  •   Completion of weekly assignments
       This activity will start on 7th March 2014 (Week 3)

Photo credit: Google Images 

What is LAX?

Lax are activities related and conducted in English outside of the conventional classroom. The activities are conducted 2 hours weekly.

There are 2 types of LAX
            Type 1: 6 points Lax which is equivalent to 12 hours (2 hours x 6 weeks).
            Type 2: 12 points Lax which is equivalent to 24 hours (2 hours x 12 weeks).

All these points will go into your graduation requirements.

Photo credit: Google Images